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Si Ri Panya Trasparent subject backgroun

We are very proud of our curriculum which has been shaped specifically for our learners and environment, to create irresistable learning!

At Si Ri Panya International School we follow the British National Curriculum. This is then adapted by our Curriculum Lead and teachers into a whole school 'Big Idea' each term, which is then divided into three fun and engaging 'Topics' across the Key Stages.

What are Topics?

Our 'topic' based approach to teaching and learning allows many areas of the curriculum to be connected together and integrated within the topic. 

'Topics' help children to see how subjects are independent and dependent, enabling them to see the big picture of their leaning, make connections through and across different subjects and talk about a topic from multiple perspectives.


Topics 2023-2024

Term 1 Years 1 & 2
Our whole school  'Big Idea' is MAGIC

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Topics 2022-2023

Term 1 Years 1 & 2
Our whole school  'Big Idea' is INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITIES


At Si Ri Panya International School, we follow the British National Curriculum and the renowned White Rose Math scheme of work, influenced, inspired and informed by the work of leading maths researchers and practitioners across the world

Together at Si Ri Panya International School, we’re building a whole new culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress.

Below you will find overviews of each Year groups scheme of learning.

Learn more about curriculum progression through Year groups 1 to 6

How we make Learning Engaging

As much as current circumstances allow, each 'Topic' contains the following components:

  • Learning in the community

  • Parent Workshops

  • 'Child as Teacher/Leader'

  • Class Presentation of their learning to the school community or wider community e.g An exhibition, a parent assembly

Watch this Space!

Upcoming whole school learning days!

Term 1, 2 & 3: a fabulous whole school day of religious education. Each class will learn about a different religious festival and ceremony (e.g. learning about Divali and making flower garlands). The whole school will then come together at the end of the day to share our learning.

Term 1:  a special two day of learning about science with lots of fun experiments

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