Our Executive Board meets every term, meetings are extremely productive, with many issues raised and discussed at whole school level.
We wanted to take the opportunity to inform those who may be unaware of the Board - its function, its members and the important subcommittee that channels down from it that provides you, as parents, a voice at the school.
Si Ri Panya International School’s Executive Board is comprised of:
Chairman of the Board
Teacher Representative
Parent Representatives
Other Qualified Persons
Representative of the Owner
Head of School
Secretary, non-voting participant
The Board endeavors to operate at a strategic level, leaving the Head of School to be responsible for the day-to-day running of the School. The Executive Board has the following powers and duties:
Issuing rules and regulations of the School
Approving the policy and education development plan of the School
Providing advice on the School’s administration and management on the aspects of personnel, work plan, budget, technique, student activities, buildings and premises and community relations
Ensuring the quality assurance of the School
Following up, monitoring and evaluating the Head of School’s performances
Approving one or combined loans exceeding 25% of the existing value of properties of the School
Approving tuition fees and other fees of the School
Approving the annual report, annual financial statements and appointment of an auditor
Considering complaints of Teachers, Parents and Students
Performing any other acts specified by the law as powers and duties of the Board.